Pengaturan acara
Membawa pengalaman dan pengetahuan yang tak tertandingi, tim acara khusus Tora menghadirkan platform keamanan yang komprehensif dan ramah untuk acara Anda berikutnya.
Mengatasi persyaratan untuk RUPS, pembukaan besar, pemutaran perdana film dan teater, penampilan selebriti, penandatanganan tanda tangan, acara olahraga, pembukaan galeri seni, makan malam penggalangan dana dan banyak jenis acara lainnya.
Tora akan memberi Anda solusi keamanan acara khusus yang dikelola secara profesional dan ahli.
Terlepas dari ukuran atau ruang lingkup persyaratan Anda, tujuan utama kami adalah melindungi keselamatan, keamanan, ketenangan pikiran, dan reputasi klien kami. Operator pria dan wanita kami adalah spesialis di:
- Penilaian ancaman dan pengumpulan intelijen ke depan
- L iaise dengan pihak ke-3 dan layanan darurat (termasuk operasi kontra-media dan anti-paparazzi)
- Pencegahan insiden melalui strategi dan negosiasi
- Lokasi maju dan perencanaan rute aman
- Hubungan dan jejaring dengan pemangku kepentingan lokal.
Kemampuan kami meliputi:
Through a Protective Lens, Tora Solutions shall listen to your requirements and adapt and develop a pro-active comprehensive strategy that is in consonance with your anticipated outcomes and the event environment. With Tora addressing these distractions, you are capable of focusing on your goals and events expectations and results.

A company is defined by the work it does or the product it producers.We are incredibly proud of each and every event we have delivered.
All staff have a vast knowledge and extensive experience with events. They are hospitable, fully licenced and trained in the responsible service of alcohol, evacuation procedures and first aid.

Tora’s Continual Improvement Process is our ongoing effort to improve our services and processes. Lessons learnt - are experiences distilled from a project that should be actively taken into account in future projects – mutually beneficial outcomes through examination and perceptions of all stages of the event. Best Practice Benchmarking allows our clients to develop plans on how to make improvements or adapt specific best practices for future events.
Synergetic partnerships